Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cool Design

Hey guys! So I thought a cool post would just be a cool, unique design! I decided I would make this before the copycatters arose from the grave. Unless they never died... anyways. I have a cool Hottest Designers Design! I think its a really unique design, and for sure, it will be copied, but here is the original one!

The design is by KoshkinBOY and he designed a backdrop! The uniqueness of the design is that its layered. All text-tile designs are flat, simple patterns or pictures of faces or scenery. This backdrop reminds of the Miss Stardoll World 2011 backdrop, except that one was in pink. It really is unique and cool, hopefully our copy friends will do a great job and give us more of these special, unique and amazing designs!

Other designers names (viewable): IOJOIJ8, kkj24, and hi_Iam_BeLLa

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